The Power of Partnership

Our recipe for reliable, affordable electricity

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We are a not-for-profit electric cooperative. The strong partnership we have with our more than 20 Midwestern electric distribution cooperatives is how we deliver great rates.

1. An Electrifying Journey. How does the partnership work? Imagine electricity as a traveler on a long road trip to reach your home or business. It starts with us at WVPA, a generation and transmission cooperative, where electricity is generated or purchased. We us different energy sources — natural gas, coal, wind, sunlight and nuclear energy — to create electricity.

2. On the Road: Once created, electricity needs to travel to you through special paths. These are the high-voltage transmission lines, big towers and cables you see stretching across the land. They act like highways for electricity, carrying it over long distances.

3. Entering Your Community: Before electricity enters your home or business, the “pressure” needs to be lowered, so it makes a pitstop at a substation. Here, the electricity transforms from high voltage to low voltage. From there, your local distribution cooperative takes over, managing the electricity’s journey through smaller power lines to ensure it reaches every destination.

4. The Final Leg: Now at the right “pressure,” the electricity travels on smaller power lines to your neighborhood. These lines are like the local streets and roads that lead directly to your home, business, school or farm. After one final transformation, the “pressure” is at the perfect level. From the morning’s brewing coffeemaker to your home-cooked family dinner, this electricity powers you and your family through your day, every day.