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Flare for Training

Safety products maker strengthens workers’ skillsets with co-op workforce grant


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Stride Step

For at least a week each fall, longtime farmer Jerry Sparks would end his day exhaustingly climbing into each of five grain bins to ensure that his corn was drying properly. A new grain dryer system upgrade in 2020 led to energy savings while he skipped out on steps – literally.

Community Welcome

MJM Electric Cooperative employees planning a new community garden sought help from a volunteer caring for a nearby roadside sign welcoming drivers to town.

She also was helping flyers in town: bees, hummingbirds and other pollinators sipping nectar from flowers and plants near the sign and more than 45 nearby locations.

Republic Services, Aria Energy Announce Expansion of Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project at County Line Landfill

Wabash Valley Power purchases electricity generated from the project through a long-term power purchase agreement.

Detailed Design

A custom metal fabrications business built a new facility with upgraded lighting so that employees wouldn’t strain their eyes to see intricate details in their work – or worry about turning off the lights.
