Success Stories

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Elementary Efficiency

South Central School Corp. officials were studying how solar energy could lower their electricity costs when a salesperson told them they didn’t have to look up the answer. They just had to look up.

Savings Switch

Traders Point Christian Church employees used to have a peculiar weekly tradition: replace burned out fluorescent light bulbs and fixtures. Then a 2013 expansion highlighted an alternative to save time and money. The church’s local electric co-op helped implement the alternative on a larger scale.

Across the Board

When East Perry Lumber started more than 70 years ago, the process of carving timber into lumber boards was rooted in constancy. Since then, technology has evolved. A lot.

Savings Guide

A December 2016 blaze that nearly engulfed an insulation manufacturing plant in Missouri instead inspired improvements boosting employee morale and trimming energy costs – with help from the local electric co-op.
