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Reframed Future

Hendricks Power and Wabash Valley Power support modernized bowling center and restaurant

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Community Trust

Many people excitedly applaud the public ribbon cuttings opening new businesses in town, yet most local economic growth happens without many noticing. Electric co-ops shine the light for businesses to find success.

WVPA economic development team featured on Bloomington, Ill., podcast

Several members of our economic development team joined the Building Bloomington-Normal podcast. They discussed how they work with our member co-ops and recent trends they have encountered.

From Power Plant to Coffee Pot

Few people ponder the electricity powering their coffeemaker as they pour that first morning cup. For those at your local…

Q4 2024 Economic Development Update

It’s hard to believe that we have closed the books on 2024 and we’re charging into a new year! Below,…
