Distributed Generation

Cash In On the Power You Generate

Distributed generation means taking unused renewable energy you generate—like solar or wind—and distributing it back to your co-op so it can be used by other members. The good news is that because it’s your energy, we’ll pay you for it! The advantage of using distributed generation isn’t just more money in your pocket—it also helps increase efficiency by reducing electricity loss along transmission and distribution lines.

How Much Money Do I Get?

To give you a better idea of what we pay for your energy, take a look at our 2025 distributed generation rates for projects greater than 25kW —as well as average rates over the previous five years—below. For all projects less than 25kW, contact your local electric cooperative for rate and pricing information.

2025 Rate (Effective March 1, 2025 – February 28, 2026)2024 Rate (Effective: March 1, 2024 – February 28, 2025)5 Year Average (2020-2025)
For Wabash Valley coincident window peak contracted capacity supplied each month$3.35 per kW*$2.59 per kW*$2.83 per kW*
For on-peak energy supplied each month$.04668 per kWh**$.04200 per kWh**$.04914 per kWh**
For off-peak energy supplied each month$.03444 per kWh***$.02948 per kWh***$.03538 per kWh***

*kW represents WVPA’s billing peak of 5 PM to 8 PM Eastern Prevailing Time (EPT) (excludes NERC holidays and weekends)

**kWh on-peak represents summation of hours between 6 AM and 10 PM EPT (excludes NERC holidays and weekends)

***kWh off-peak represents summation of hours between 10 PM and 6 AM EPT (includes NERC holidays and weekends)

How Does the Process Work?

No matter how much power you’re generating, we’re ready to work with you. WVPA and our member co-ops divide distributed generation projects into three categories based on size. Get started using the steps outlined below.

Greater than 1MW and less than 5 MW

    • Contact local electric co-op to discuss your project and request their Interconnection Agreement.
    • Complete the Distributed Generation Intake Form here.
    • WVPA will also require the following items: your W-9 form, a single line diagram of the project and a copy of the Interconnection Agreement with the local electric cooperative. You may send those via e-mail to DER@WVPA.com.
    • Please review the Transmission Study Agreement linked here. We will contact you to discuss and assist you with it’s completion.
    • Please see an example of WVPA’s DG Purchase Power and Sale Agreement here.


Email Lauren Schuettler at DER@wvpa.com.